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Information about where we are, the equipment we use, and about our 02 instrumentation rooms, Geniès and LabToy.

LNES - Infraestrutura - Entrada

Our labs are in one of the best research centers in Brazil

The Laboratório de Nanotecnologia e Energia Solar (LNES) is in the Chemistry Institute at UNICAMP. It has an area of 400 m2, including offices, a large experimental area and two instrumentation rooms (Geniès and LabToy).

The Geniès room, named in honor of a French scientist who studied all aspects of polyaniline, is designed to solar cell´s preparation. In the Geniès´s room, there are glove boxes to store hazardous and hygroscopic solvents and chemicals; 3D printing machine, UV-Vis spectrophotometer, UV/ozone and plasma ovens and deposition equipment, as blade and spin coaters.

The LabToy, named in honor of a great friend and brilliant young scientist, Wilson A. Gazotti Jr, is a room for solar cell´s characterization and includes glove boxes for metal deposition, spin coater and device´s characterization; AM 1.5 Solar Simulators; an optical bench for photoelectrochemical cell performance measurements, photoluminescence analysis and transient absorption spectroscopy analysis. LNES is also equipped with Autolab potentiostats (including an impedance module) and Keithley current-voltage (I-V) SourceMeter.

The LNES group has access to other equipments located at the Chemistry Institute at Unicamp such us Fluorescence microscopies (time-resolved), Confocal Raman, DSC, TGA, FT-IR, DRX , BET – gas adsorption, AFM and SEM microscopies. The LNES has also access other detailed structural and microscopic analysis such as FEG-SEM, HR-TEM, SAXS, HR-XPS, EXAFS, GiWAXS and GiSAXS from the National Synchrotron Laboratory in Campinas.

The Chemistry Institute at Unicamp is one of the best research and teaching centers in Brazil. More information about its infrastructure can be found here.